Couple crisis: How to save a couple relationship in crisis

Couple crisis

Couple crisis: How to save a couple relationship in crisis

The perfect love relationships, without fissures, do not exist. Couple crises are more common than we think and those couples that flow smoothly do not exist. Well, maybe, yes and in fact you've seen them ... but in the movies. We who live close to reality enjoy and suffer relationships where everything goes great until that moment arrives without knowing why there is a point of inflection that disrupts everything.

It is time to know what are the causes of the couple crisis and remedy to save the relationship. Here are some tips and advice to know how to save a love relationship. You will find a series of interesting articles that will help you overcome this moment of couple crisis, whatever your particular situation may be.

Signs that your relationship is in crisis

Signs of crisis of couple
The causes that motivate the problems of couple are many: lack of communication, lack of demonstrations of affection, infidelity, distance ... On many occasions we reach, without explaining how, a boredom within the couple difficult to amend and is there when we begin to think that we are going through a couple crisis. The problem is that sometimes, it is not so clear if we are in crisis or not. Look at these articles to discover if you really are facing a crisis of a couple:

Warning signs that anticipate a couple crisis: Many people think that sometimes, we do not spend much time thinking about the problems of a couple. It's not that we do not love our partner, we just do not know how to anticipate a storm. How to know if we are facing a possible break?

Vacation separately ?: Could this be a sign of a crisis? For many people it is, although we have some doubts and because of that, our experts solve the question.

How to differentiate between a simple discussion and a crisis ?: Sometimes we become a little paranoid, sometimes we value poorly a situation ... How can you tell if it is a simple discussion between two people who love each other or something? Serious that I could separate you forever?

Common causes of couple crises

causes of couple crisis

Knowing what the possible causes of your crisis will be basic to end it. Sometimes, it is simply a punctual event that triggers something that has been cooking for a long time or the other way around ... Do we help you discover what are the causes of your relationship crisis?

Crisis of couple due to addictions: Alcohol, smoking, games and even social networks can be the cause of couple crisis difficult to overcome. We explain why.

Crisis of couple because of paternity: Being mothers or fathers is sometimes not easy and can be cause for friction, misunderstandings ... Discover if the problem in your partner were born because of the life you are taking with your children and how to find solutions .

Couple crisis after the holidays: It is very nice to have a partner in the routine of day to day, when everyone has their schedules and we do not spend all the time next to the other person. However, the holidays and boom arrive! the problems come suddenly. How to overcome the couple crisis caused by the holidays?

Partner crisis due to overwork: Unfortunately, work sometimes gets in the way of our relationship. How to combine love and care for our partner when one or both of us have mountains of work?

Couple crisis for money: Money sometimes causes us problems. Because there is, because it is missing, because it makes us doubt ... there can be thousands of situations. Whichever is yours, we help you to get out of couple crises caused by money problems.

For the time spent as a couple: When the years pass and the relationship does not develop as one of the two would like ... doubts arise and problems that end in a couple crisis. Have you heard of the crisis of the seventh year? Well it is very common and here we know how to help you overcome it.

Solving the crisis of a couple: Tips and reflections 
In most cases it is easy to find solutions to save a relationship. If you feel that your relationship is going badly, it is time to take the reins and put a solution. If you let it go, the end of your relationship will soon come. Better to face it. Here are some tips to overcome the crisis of a couple:

Moments difficult in the life of every couple: There are common moments that almost all couples live throughout their history, some with more difficulty than others. We help you solve each one of them.
Infallible tricks to overcome the couple crisis: 10 tips that will help you save the relationship yes or yes and rekindle love. Worth sharing.

What else can I do to save my relationship?

Take good account of these tips to get out of the crisis of couple and settle, then, the basis to reverse the situation you live.

Analyze the roots of your problems. You must reconsider on the reasons that have led you to that situation. An infidelity, lack of communication, economic problems, a complicated work situation, distance ...?

Acceptance of the problem. Once known and put in common by both parties it is time to accept that this is the problem that has pushed you to be like this. From the acceptance the change will be born.
Self-criticism If your relationship does not work in the right way, it is your responsibility. Look inside yourself and think about what you have failed. Do not demand anything from the other party without first reflecting on what you can improve.

Overcome distrust. To overcome the bump you must make a clean slate and a new account. Stay with the positive memories, forget the bad moments. Precisely of these last you have to learn to avoid in the future relapse in a couple crisis.

Sincerity. You live a critical moment as a couple and more than ever it is necessary that all your feelings are on the table. You both have to say what you feel and want about your relationship.

Recover the magic. Once you have spoken about the roots of the problem, you have reviewed the mistakes that you have made and you are clear that you want to fight to continue together. It is time to recover the magic of the beginning of your relationship. It is time to recover the illusion of the first days. A dinner, a romantic getaway ... In short, you have to relive those first moments when everything was happiness between you.

If you are going through a difficult moment in your relationship, what are you waiting to put into practice all these tips to get out of your relationship crisis?

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Couple crisis: How to save a couple relationship in crisis Couple crisis: How to save a couple relationship in crisis Reviewed by Fav Solution on October 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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