Erectile dysfunction or impotence: ways to remedy it

Erectile dysfunction is the continuous inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection that makes it possible to have a complete and satisfactory sexual relations. It is not like any other sexual problem such as lack of desire for sex, disturbed ejaculations such as precocious, delayed or the total absence of it; or like the orgasm disorders. It is a disease that is more frequent than we think, and if it is not treated, it can affect sexual relations with your partner, your family, even at work.
Any man can have problems to maintain an erection at a given time, this can be because they are very exhausted physically and mentally or by stress. It can also be due to suffering a serious illness whereby the medication produces these effects or because of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The causes for which it occurs may be for psychological reasons, for having poor blood circulation, the problem may also be neurological, hormonal or pharmacological causes; for taking some type of treatment, chronic or momentary, whose side effect is erectile dysfunction.


The main symptom, undoubtedly, of erectile dysfunction is given by a change in erection, which decreases considerably. It can occur because the penis is not as stiff as usual or that, when having sex, they are not satisfactory or good enough. The key to knowing if the impotence originates from physical causes is because when waking up in the morning the erection is not able to maintain itself, on the other hand if the problem is mental the problem occurs during a certain time, only while the period lasts. stress or anxiety

There are several factors that will allow you to identify this problem and, in turn, to solve it
There are several factors that will allow you to identify this problem and, in turn, to solve it
It is advisable to go to the doctor if it persists for more than three months, ideal time to start looking for a urologist to analyze the situation. But above all, one of the things to keep in mind when you have a problem of this type, is to analyze if there has been any kind of change in lifestyle too significant. It may have negatively impacted on the functions of the penis for whatever reason and it would be good to avoid any habit that is responsible for impotence as a problem in the arteries and veins, smoking, consume more alcohol than usual, take many saturated fats , etc.


The vast majority of men who have problems with erectile dysfunction can receive many different treatments, all good and safe, as long as they are followed by a doctor and, really, manage to solve this problem. The first, of course, is to find out what are the causes of impotence and how it is affecting the sexual relationships of the affected person. The most common is the consumption of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor pills.

They are drugs that have different characteristics and have to adapt to the needs of each person by changing the dose according to the patient's needs, depending on how serious their situation is. These treatments facilitate the dilation of the arteries and that makes the blood flow much better to the penis facilitating the erection. Although to see that the results are favorable, it is necessary to stimulate sexually speaking, which will trigger the cascade of neurotransmitters that relax the muscle of the cavernous walls.

There are other types of treatments such as direct injections of a substance that has a local action that helps the erection, vacuum devices that cause the male reproductive system to fill with blood and an erection occurs, surgery is also another form of treatment as long as the previous ones do not cause any effect. There are also hormonal treatments, in the event that the impotence is due to a deficit of testosterone, psychological, and even shock waves that applied directly produce a beneficial effect on the circulation of blood in the area. There are also topical treatments based on creams that are placed directly on the penis and take effect between 5-30 minutes after application.

These treatments can only be prescribed by a specialist doctor, who will choose the one that is most appropriate according to the situation and the reasons why this problem is being suffered. In addition, you can only get the drugs that are prescribed through an accredited pharmacy and licensed for the sale of drugs and you have to be very careful with those online stores that can be a scam and sell products harmful to health.


It is also very important to make some changes in lifestyle that, perhaps, can help you improve the situation. They may not finish the problem, but together with proper treatment they can make the results much more favorable. Quitting smoking, having a much more responsible alcohol consumption, eating a low-fat diet that helps you feel a much healthier person, exercising regularly and reducing stress in your daily life may be the perfect solution. With all this you can improve blood circulation and nervous functioning of the body, helping to solve problems that may be affecting sexual relations.

Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or impotence: ways to remedy it Erectile dysfunction or impotence: ways to remedy it Reviewed by Fav Solution on October 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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